dental fillings
A tooth bonding procedure is also extremely simple, inexpensive and effective! If a person has a tooth or multiple teeth that are very small, uneven with the rest of the teeth or surrounded by gaps, they may consider dental fillings as a way to improve their smile.
If a person’s tooth has a small crack or damage, aesthetic dental fillings can also be used to help repair it. Some cracks and damage are not harmful to the tooth, but a person may not consider their smile 100% until the crack is treated.
Aesthetic dental fillings can be used to improve the shape and appearance of a tooth. Sometimes people feel reluctant to show their smiles when they have teeth that others don’t. But dental fillings can help replace teeth so that they look normal and natural, thus improving the smile too!
Cosmetic dental procedures can help improve a person’s smile in a number of ways. Smile development is especially important for people who feel self-conscious about showing off. As a result, it’s best to talk to a cosmetic dentist about your options and what you hope to achieve.
If you have questions about any of these cosmetic dental procedures, reach out to our office today so we can assist you. Let us guide you to improve your smile!