Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation

The department that treats conditions such as functional disorders or losses caused by accidents, trauma, congenital disorders or other reasons with different methods is called physical therapy and rehabilitation. Many diseases related to bone and muscle are treated in this section, which enables the person to move easily in his daily life and performs the treatment in this sense.

What is Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation?

Physical therapy and rehabilitation, which includes the diagnosis and treatment of bone, muscle, joint and nervous system diseases or injuries that reduce the person’s quality of life, helps the person to regain movement and functional activities. The aim of the physical therapy and rehabilitation department is to reduce the pain, to eliminate the loss of function, to increase the quality of life and to return to daily activities.

Our doctors

Ass. Doc. Dr Umut YAKUT

Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation

Exp. Dr Nevzat Kaya

Physical Therapy And Rehabilitation